
Protect your plants from the cold with Thermal Plant Protectors

Thermal Plant Protectors

Many gardeners know that keeping plants safe in their earliest stages can be tough. This year, Gardens Alive! is selling the plant protectors we use in our test gardens! Thermal Plant Protectors are a simple, cost-efficient way to protect your seedlings and small trees from the elements. Gardens Alive owner and founder Niles Kinerk uses Read More

Clover Q & A with Craig


Recently, we received this question from one of our Tipp City Community Gardeners –


Craig – what is up with all the clover planted along the pathways and along the inside edge of “my” plot? Won’t the clover attract rabbits? And spread like crazy? I plan to take out the edge between my plot Read More

First sow of the season – carrots and beets

Worm Castings

Envy carrots were the perfect element to my favorite carrot and beet soup.

On March 11th, I sowed my early season vegetables: onion, red beet, and carrot seeds (one of the first things I learned in the seed business: “You sow seed, and you plant plants,” so I always make sure to use the Read More