
Feed and weed your lawn in the fall

Spreading WOW Lawn Treatment

I spread WOW Lawn Treatment in my lawn each fall, and again in the spring.

Fall is a very important time to take care of your lawn. Additional rain and cooler temperatures can lead to a green October – a welcome sight, after the off-green August we had here in the Midwest. In order for your grass to get off to a good start next spring, you need to build up the strength of your root system. Fertilizing in fall with a good, all-natural fertilizer gets this done.

As the grass starts preparing for the upcoming winter, nutrients in the soil are channeled to the roots. There, they build the root mass up, ready to re-direct the energy in the spring to the grass blades. That’s one of the reasons you see such aggressive growth of grass in the spring  – and why you need to supply an organic nitrogen, such as our WOW Supreme. Organic or all-natural fertilizer is generally slower to release nutrients and so you see more sustained growth over the entire spring rather than a really heavy shoot-up right when you supply a chemical fertilizer.

WOW Treated Lawn

My lawn’s looking healthy and weed-free after a season I used WOW!

Fall is also a good time to do some preventative and curative weed control. Eliminate some of the perennial weeds such as the dandelions and thistles (of course I am going to recommend Iron-X) from your lawn. Then in order to stop the next seasons batch of new weeds, use a pre-emergent to stop weed seeds from germinating (and again, I will nominate WOW Supreme for this job – fertilizes at the same time, takes care of 2 jobs with 1 application!). What I have learnt is that weed seeds actually will germinate in the fall, but really don’t grow enough for you to spot them. When spring warmth comes, they get a jump on other weeds to compete for space in your lawn. Crabgrass uses this method to get an early foothold. Other weeds wait until the spring, which is why it is still important to do a second application of a pre-emergent in the spring. Don’t worry, you will get a thick healthy lawn soon enough and can just use natural fertilizer twice a year to keep it thick. Over-seeding periodically is also useful to fill in the small gaps in your lawn (my dog Max creates a lot of these for me).

Remember, weeds can’t outgrow healthy grass. Weeds can only get into open spaces in your lawn. That’s why it is important to keep your lawn full and robust; healthy grass offers no spot for weeds to get into!


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